Thank you for supporting our mission to help all San Antonio children have access to the dental care they deserve. We are so very grateful for your support!

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$600,000Raised $6,000 towards the $600,000 target.$6,000Raised $6,000 towards the $600,000 target.1%

As we continually strive to recognize the generous people and companies in our community who are supporting our cause, we have developed several donation tiers in our donor program to make sure your generosity does not go unnoticed. In donating to help us open our first clinic you will be helping children in our area get out of pain and have healthy smiles. Current donation tiers are as follows:

  • $0-$499 – You will receive a thank you letter signed by a board member.
  • $500-$999 – Family Friend. You will be mentioned in one of our Youtube videos on our new channel.
  • $1000-$4999 –  Designated Silver Donor with Dr. Webster smashing a pie in his face on a Youtube video mentioning you or your business in the video as the owner of that pie. You will also receive a Silver Donor Certificate to Display in your Home or Business
  • $5000+ – Designated Gold Donor. You will be a designated “Nifty 90” donor and receive a plaque in our office lobby once our clinic opens for all to acknowledge your generous donations. Your business will be mentioned as a sponsor for a 10 minute+ Youtube video with thanks to you or your organization at beginning and the end of the video. You will be the sponsor of multiple pies smashed in Dr. Webster’s face with 1 pie being smashed for every $1000 donated. You will also receive a framed Gold Donor Certificate to display in all locations of your businesses
  • $50000+ donation – Designated Platinum donor with the name of you or your business featured on a commemorative marker outside our clinic as well as inside saying you are a “Provider of this clinic to the Children of San Antonio”.  Your donation will be heralded as a community match donor with recognition on all social media platforms including as a sponsor of 50+ pie smashes in Dr. Webster’s face. You will receive a specially framed Platinum Donor Certificate you can proudly display as a strong provider or children’s health in the San Antonio Community

If you would like more information on how you can help, please call us for details at 210-243-8443 or email your questions to

If you would like simply like to make a donation to do your part in providing dental treatment to those who don’t have it, feel free to click on the donate button above or you can send other forms of donation to”

S.A. 90 Kids Dental

3806 Ox-Eye Daisy

San  Antonio, TX 78261

Thank you for all your support!