SA 90 Kids Dental is a local San Antonio nonprofit dedicated to making sure all children in San Antonio have access to comprehensive dental care. We are a 501 (c) 3 (tax deductible) nonprofit and are currently raising funds for our first clinic.
At S.A. 90 Kids dental we understand that dental care, though necessary, is not always easily accessible to those who need it. This has become increasingly more difficult during these times of COVID-19 when so many people are struggling to maintain work. Oftentimes many families, through no fault of their own, may not qualify for other forms of assistance available through the state or federal governments and we want to give these families a place they can always take their children for dental treatment no matter their situation.
Treatment at one of our dental clinics is available to all children 18 and under who live in or around the San Antonio area. We will not take insurance and we do not use a specified metric to qualify which children we treat. We want to see all kids in the San Antonio area regardless of financial background or ability to pay. We will provide all forms of necessary dental treatment at a highly discounted price thanks to the financial love and support from the businesses and people of San Antonio. No child should have the stress of untreated dental pain, and as we pull together as a community we can make sure every child in San Antonio has a loving dental home.